Jobs in Services Hospital Lahore


Latest Jobs in Services Hospital Lahore June 2020

Applications are invited for appointment on contract basis for one year, against the following Board created vacant posts in Services Hospital Lahore: –

Male Nurses for Medical ICU (18 Vacant Posts)


i. B.Sc Nursing Generic (four years) and valid registration with  Pakistan Nursing Council or
ii. Diploma in General Nursing with one year diploma in any specialized course in lieu of Midwifery and valid registration from Pakistan Nursing Council.
iii. Preference will be given to graduate of Govt. Institutions.
iv. Candidates having specialization in  Critical Care Unit / ICU after basic qualification will be preferred.

Physiotherapist (02 vacant posts)


i. B.Sc Physiotherapy or equivalent qualification from a recognized institute with 2 years experience in any institution recognized by PMDC.


  1. Male/female candidates having domicile of Province of Punjab can apply.(for Sr.No.1 only male candidate)
  2. Applications on plain paper along with C.V., attested copies of testimonials experience certificates, 2-latest photographs, domicile, CNIC, and copies of all educational certificates / diplomas, valid PNC registration certificate should be submitted to the office of undersigned.
  3. Submit detail marks sheet of Nursing Diploma and if applicable detail marks of BSC Nursing.
  4. Incomplete applications will not be entertained in any case.
  5. Persons already in Govt. service should apply through proper channel.
  6. Competent Authority can relax the age depending upon the experience and qualification.
  7. The selection will be made on merit.
  8. Date and place of interview will be communicated in the interview call after short listing (only short listed candidate will be called for interview).
  9. Appointment will be on contract basis for a period of one year (extendable subject to good performance)
  10. NO TA / DA will be allowed.
  11. Applications will be received in the office of Medical Superintendent, Services Hospital, Ghaus ul Azam (Jail) Road, Lahore up to 26.06.2020 during office hours.


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