Join Pakistan Army as Officer through 146 PMA long course



  1. Eligibility Conditions
    1. Age as on 1 Nov 2020



Age Relaxation


Intermediate or Equivalent

17-22 Years


Relaxable for three months both in upper and lower age limits


Graduates          (2          years

graduation) and Serving PN / PAF Personnel

17-23 Years


Graduates with 4 years graduation programme (BS / BA (Hon) / BBA /BPA)

17-24 Years


Serving Army Soldiers

17-25 Years

  1. Gender.
  2. Marital Status. Unmarried  (Married  serving  personnel  of   the Armed Forces over 20 years of age are eligible).
  3. Nationality. Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit-Baltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than

e.    Physical Standards

  • Minimum Height –           5′ – 4″ (162.5 cm)
  • Weight –           As per the Body Mass Index

f.   Education

  • Marks – FA / FSc / Equivalent
    • Minimum 60 % marks in FA/FSc and
    • Candidates who secure 60% mks or above in BA / BSc, BA / BSc (Hons) and BBA / BPA, with 50% mks in FA / FSc are eligible for PMA Long
  • Relaxation of Marks – FA / FSc. 55% marks for  the candidates from specified areas with domicile. Areas incl Balolchistan, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, District Neelum Azad Jammu Kashmir, District Kohistan, Chitral, Dir, Tehsil Bala Kot (Kaghan, Naran) of District Mansehra in KPK, Tharparker and Tehsil Umer Kot in Sind, District Rajanpur, Area of Cholistan Desert, Drawar Fort, Salamsar, Mojgarh and Dingarh of Besides being domicile holder,, the candidates must have been actually studying in the same areas.
  • Serving Army Soldiers. 50% marks in  FA/FSc  and equivalent.
  • Hope Certificate. Candidates who have passed Part-I of Intermediate Examination with minimum 60% marks and appeared / are appearing in Part II / Final Examination can also apply on “Hope Certificate” by Head of the institutions
  • Verification of Marks Sheet / Certificate. Candidates  not issued with certificates or in possession of duplicate/revised mark sheets/certificates of Matric / Intermediate / BA / BSc must get a Verification Certificate signed by Secretary/Controller Examination of concerned Board/University.
  • „A‟ level candidates applying in Pakistan with aggregate 60% marks are eligible without seeking equivalence certificate as calculated by IBCC. However, all the candidates who have passed „A‟ level and equivalent examination from abroad or have passed from Pakistan with the result less than three Cs are required to submit equivalence certificate issued by

2.   Ineligibility Conditions

  1. A candidate is ineligible if he is twice rejected by ISSB/GHQ/NHQ/AHQ Selection Board or once rejected by ISSB and once rejected by GHQ/NHQ/AHQ Selection
  2. Permanently declared UNFIT by Appeal Medical
  3. Declared unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital except those cleared by Appeal Medical
  4. Declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B & C (cannot request for Appeal Medical Board).
  5. Dismissed/removed/debarred from    Government    Service    including Armed
  6. Withdrawn from any Academy / Training Institution of Armed Forces on any
  7. Withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces college/institution on disciplinary
  8. Convicted in a Court of Law for an offence involving moral

 Registration and Preliminary Selection Procedure. Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs). Following procedure will be adopted:-

    1. Registration Through Internet. A candidate can register on website Date and time of test shall be intimated on internet for which an individual should have e-mail account. Candidate will report on exact date and time given for preliminary test on computerized roll no slip. Date once given will not be changed. Candidates will also bring along all documents mentioned in para 6 and will pay prospectus fee on the day of test. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer as registration and tests will be conducted on
    2. Registration at Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs). The candidates may report at nearest AS&RCs for registration / allotment of roll no alongwith necessary documents mentioned in para 6 and the prospectus fee for completion of registration formalities. The candidates will bring these documents on the day of test as
    3. Schedule of Registration / Preliminary Tests. Registration and Preliminary Tests will be held as per following schedule:-


8 Apr 2019 – 8 May 2019

(Incl Sat and Sun)

Preliminary Tests

13 May 2019 -07 Jul 2019

(Except Sat, Sun and Closed Holidays)


  1. The TCC candidates who apply for PMA L/C will also be considered as Repeater Candidates.
  2. Repeater candidates must report at concerned AS&RCs from 10-13 May 2019 for preliminary

d.    Preliminary Selection

  • Written/ Intelligence Tests. Written/Intelligence   tests   will be based on multiple choice questions from English, Maths, Pak Studies, Islamiat and General Knowledge. The candidates declared successful in written/intelligence tests will undergo physical / medical tests and interviews at AS&RCs.
  • Physical Tests. The candidates must qualify the following physical standards at the time of preliminary selection:-
    • 6 Km Run –      8 minutes
    • Push Ups –      15 repetitions in 2 minutes
    • Sit Ups –      20 repetitions in 2 minutes
    • Chin Ups –      3 repetitions in 2 minutes
    • Ditch Crossing  –     7‟.4” x 7‟.4” and 4‟ dee
  • Interview. Successful candidates will be interviewed  at  AS&RC and short listed for ISSB
  • Successful candidates will receive notice for ISSB tests through website as well as call up
  1. Further Selection. Candidates who are selected by AS&RCs will be called for ISSB Test. Medical examination of ISSB recommended candidates will be carried out at nearby CMHs. The final selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of candidate‟s

5.      Training Period at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA). 2 Years.

  1. Documents Required at AS&RCs
    1. Original certificate / detailed Marks Sheet of Matric/FA/FSc/
    2. Computerized National Identity Card for 18 years and above or Computerized Form “B” alongwith Guardian‟s Computerized National Identity Card (Father or Mother) for less than 18 years of
    3. One set of attested photocopies of above mentioned
    4. 3 x Passport size coloured photos duly attested (front and back) by Principal/Class-1 Gazetted
    5. Original as well as one photocopy of “NOT RECOMMENDED” letter by ISSB are also required for “Repeater Candidates”.

Note: – Old National Identity Card and Form “B” will not be accepted.

  1. Pakistan Nationals Residing Abroad. Eligible candidates residing abroad are exempted from Preliminary Selection. However, Defence Attaches will ascertain their overall suitability, physical deformity and stammering aspects. The candidates are advised to approach Pakistani Embassies (Military / Defence Attaches) in the country where residing for issuance of Application Forms. They will submit their Application Forms alongwith connected documents through Pakistani Embassies by 16 Jul 2019. A postal order of Rs. 100/- and a Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- in the name of Director General Personnel Administration, Personnel Administration Directorate, GHQ Rawalpindi will be attached with the Application Form. Postal address in Pakistan should also be indicated in the Application Forms so that call up notice for ISSB Tests/ Interviews and further correspondence to eligible candidates can be made on the given Pakistani address. No traveling allowance will be admissible for travelling to and from Pakistan.

Note:- If selected candidates for current entry are more than the required induction, the left over candidates would be considered for next PMA Long Course entry subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions / merit.

For further details visit


Nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centres at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Gilgit, Hyderabad, Multan, Muzaffarabad, Faisalabad, Khuzdar, Pano Aqil and D I Khan.

Email your queries on For ISSB call up notices visit


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