Ministry of Climate Change Jobs


Latest Jobs in Ministry of Climate Change October / November 2020

Applications are invited from suitable candidates having Pakistani Nationality domicile as indicated against each vacancy for appointment against the following vacant posts on regular basis:-

Name of Position Criteria / Required Qualification and Experience 
Driver (BS-04) i. Primary pass
ii. Valid driving license holder and well versed in the traffic rules. 
Dispatch Rider (BS-04) i. Primary pass
ii. Valid driving license holder and well versed in the traffic rules. 
Naib Qasid (BS-01) Primary pass
Farash Primary Pass
Chowkidar Primary pass
Sweeper Primary pass


  1. Five years General Age Relaxation has already been indicated in the Maximum Age Limit above.
  2. Provincial / regional quota will be observed as per rules.
  3. No TA/DA shall be admissible for Test/Interview.
  4. Only shortlisted candidates, fulfilling the prescribed requirements, will be called for test/interview.
  5. Following age relaxation is available, subject to the provision of documentary evidence, to the category of candidate specified below:-
Candidates belonging to scheduled castes, Buddhist Community and recognized tribed of the Tribal Areas 03 years
Released or Retired Offices/personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan. 15 years or the number of years actually served in the armed force of Pakistan whichever is less. 
Government servants and contract employees who have competed 2 years continuous Government service on closing date for receipt of applications.  10 years, upto the age of 55 years. 
Disabled persons for appointment to posts in BPS-15 and below. 10 years
Widow, son or daughter of a deceased civil servant who dies during service.  05 years

Note:- If a candidate is entitled to age relaxation under more than one categories specified above, he/she shall be allowed relaxation in age only in one category.


  • As per given criteria, interested eligible candidates are required to apply online on the Ministry’s website.
  • Closing date of applications is 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
  • All the candidates who have applied for the above mentioned posts advertised on 4th January, 2020 will apply afresh.
  • Late & incomplete applications shall not be entertained.
  • Government employees should apply online and provide NOC from their respective department before closing date of the application to this Ministry.


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