Ministry of Law and Justice 2022 Jobs


Latest Jobs in Ministry of Law and Justice 2022

Applications are invited from citizens of Pakistan for recruitment against the following posts lying vacant in the Federal Special Courts/Tribunals across the country working under the administrative control of Law and Justice Division on Regional Quota basis holding the domiciles of the region as mentioned against each (ICT/Punjab/Sindh/KPK/Baluchistan):-

Job Details:

Nam Qualification
Assistant Graduate
Stenotypist (i) Intermediate.
(ii) Minimum speed of 80/40 w.p.m in shorthand/typing respectively.
(iii) Must be computer literate
Reader Graduate
Nazir Intermediate
UDC Intermediate
LDC Matric with minimum typing speed of 30 w.p.m.
Driver (i) Primary Pass.
(ii) Valid driving license holder and well versed with the traffic rules.
Dispatch Rider (i) Primary Pass.
(ii) Valid driving license holder and well versed with the traffic rules.
Naib Qasid Primary Pass (Local basis)
Chowkldar Primary Pass (Local basis)
Farash Primary Pass (Local basis)
Mali Primary Pass (Local basis)
Cook Primary Pass (Local basis)
Room Bearer Primary Pass (Local basis)
Sweeper Primary Pass (Local basis)

Important instructions/Information:-

  1. Incomplete application forms and those received after closing date will not be entertained.
  2. Applicants shall present their original documents along with set of attested copies of the degrees / Certificate by NEC / recognized Board / Universities / Institutes and other relevant documents at the time of interview. In case of any false or forged information provided, the Organization reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any applicant at any stage and to initiate legal action against the applicant as per rules.
  3. Age relaxation will be admissible as per Rules/Federal Government policy.
  4. All recruitment shall be made in accordance with the policies circulated by Federal government from time to time.
  5. Regional quota will be observed as per rules.
  6. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in test/interview.
  7. Candidates already in Government Service must apply through proper channel.
  8. Ministry of Law and Justice reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts at any stage, subject to their availability.
  9. Only those candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be called for test/interview.
  10. The selected candidates can be posted all over Pakistan.
  11. No change of centre will be allowed.

Note: For the post of Assistant at S.No. 1 six (06) weeks and for the posts of UDC and LDC at No. 5 & 6 above three (03) Weeks Basic IT Training Course (including MS Office) will be conducted by NITB after selection before completion of probation period).

How to Apply:

Interested candidates may apply on the prescribed application form available below and duly filled in form can be sent through courier within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement to the Section Officer {Admn-W, Ministry of Law and Justice Room No.333, R-Bloch, Pak Secretariat Islamabad.

Download Application From



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