Top Ten Medical Universities in the World


The top ten Medical Universities for medication are procured during the 2013 QS World University Positions by Topic. Other than the regular pre-dominance of the medical universities of the United States and the United Kingdom, access from Sydney and another from Sweden are also made.

Among these top ten Medical Universities, there are also amazing transports of Nobel Prizes in Medication or Physiologies. And all these have released a variety of analysis, showing the coverage of every subject possible and then some within the areas of medication.

Here is the list of Top Ten Medical Universities in the World

3. University of Cambridge

With the associated Laureates (total 26) in the area of medication, one of Cambridge’s highly well known Nobel Prizes champions is Sir John B Gurdon, “for the finding of the matured cell could be once again programmed to be pluripotent”.

2. University of Oxford

Everyone is aware with the name of the University of Oxford and its Medicine has gathered 16 Nobel prizes as the decades passed, one of which is also shared in 1945 among, Sir Ernst Chain, Sir Howard W Florey and Sir Alexander Fleming “ for the finding of penicillin and its healing impact in different contagious diseases ”.

 List of Top Ten Medical Universities

Rank Name of the Universities Pop
1.  Harvard University
2.  University of Cambridge
3.  University of Oxford
4.  Johns Hopkins University
5.  Stanford University
6.  Yale University
7.  The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
8.  Imperial College London
9.  University of Melbourne
10.  Karolinska Institute


Q: Which is the Best Medical University in the World?

Ans: 1 Harvard University Here comes the Top Medical University and it should be on this position the name is Harvard University. From incredibly moderate origins in 1782, when it started out with just three learners, the HMS (Harvard Medical School) has created a large number of leaders and care providers with worldwide impact in the areas of technology and medication.



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